Total allocation of EU structural funds for Lithuania for the period 2007–2013, provided from the European Social Fund, European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion fund, amounts more than 6,6 billion Euro. This equals to an additional annual state budget.
EU structural funds for Lithuania for the period 2007–2013 are allocated in accordance with National general strategy: the Lithuanian Strategy for the use of European Union Structural Assistance for 2007–2013 (approved the European Commission on the 26th of April, 2007) and with operational programs for implementation of this strategy.
Primary purpose of employment of EU structural funds, according to the strategy, is to rapidly improve conditions to invest, work and live in Lithuania, to support economy so its products would reach all citizens of Lithuania. Operational programmes will support implementation of goals and tasks set in the strategy.
Operational Programme for the Development of Human Resources for 2007–2013 is dedicated to mobilization of all employable Lithuanian citizens, since investments to knowledge, competence, activity and enterprise of people of
Lithuania ensures long term economic growth. 13.8% of EU structural funds are allocated to this program.
It is estimated that the largest part of funds – 45.72% - will be allocated to Operational programme for the Economical Growth for 2007–2013 . Extremely important is that 10% will be allocated to scientific researches and technological development of competitiveness and growth of economy.
Operational Programme for Promotion of Cohesion for 2007–2013 should embody a vision of more harmonious society. For improvement of environment and quality of residency, by minimizing differences between separate regions, it is allocated 39.08% of total funds from EU structural assistance for the period 2007–2013.
Technical assistance Operational Programme for 2007–2013 – is a special program for administration of thematic programs of actions. 1.4% of EU structural funds were allocated for this programme.
Projects of transport sector receive funding from the European Regional Development and Cohesion Funds for the period 2007–2013.