Structural Funds period for 2014-2020
Lithuania was one of the first European Union countries to adopt its Partnership agreement and Operational programme for 2014–2020 period. Currently the implementation of the programme is gaining momentum – Lithuania has projects under implementation for over 800 million Eur of EU funds.
The total allocations to Lithuania from EU funds for 7-years period amount 6.7 billion Eur of which for the transport and communications sector - 1.3 billion Eur.
In the 2014–2020 period critical mass of EU funding, ensuring a meaningful impact and guaranteeing that investments are made in those areas that have a long-term impact on growth and jobs.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications together with the social partners set out the transport, communications and information society development priorities, objectives and activities and transferred them into the National Progress Programme for the period 2014-2020, approved by Resolution No 148 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 28 November 2012.
Last updated: 18-11-2023