International Cooperation
International Cooperation
The Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania is cooperating with other countries on bilateral and multilateral basis, aiming at the maintenance of relations with respective governmental structures of other countries, their international and other organisations, embassies and nongovernmental organisations. The Ministry also organises preparation of international agreements and drafting of treaties in transport and communications sector, as well as the implementation of signed cooperation documents (bilateral and multilateral agreements and conventions).
Bilateral and multilateral cooperation
Geographical position of Lithuania, as well as the EU membership, determines the way the international cooperation in transport sector is being developed. The first aspect concerns the EU membership and respective integration of Lithuanian transport system into the West European network. Another aspect is related to a close cooperation in transport infrastructure and freight carriage sectors with the Eastern Partnership countries. In the field of bilateral international relations, the focus is on cooperation with neighboring and other countries in the Baltic Sea region and the Asian region.
Aiming at the active participation in the process of formation of global and regional policy, the Ministry strives to enhance the image of Lithuania as a transit country in global markets and endeavours to attract freight flows from the Middle East and Asian countries.
Representation abroad
The Ministry has representatives - transport attaché - in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Poland.
Participation in the International Organisations
The Ministry of Transport and Communications on its own or together with its subordinate state institutions represents interests of the Republic of Lithuania in the following international organisations:
- International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- Universal Postal Union (UPU)
- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
- European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC)
- European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL)
- International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
- Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF)
- Organisation for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD)
- International Transport Forum (ITF)
Interests of the Republic of Lithuania are also represented in the following international cooperation mechanisms:
- Trans-European North-South Motorway Project of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE TEM)
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) working groups
- European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT)
Within its scope the Ministry of Transport and Communications also participates in the following international cooperation mechanism:
- European Conference for Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT),
- Northern Dimension Partnership on Transport and Logistics (NDPTL)