Investigation of Railway Undertakings'and Passengers' Complaints

Investigation of Railway Undertakings Complaints

In order to implement Article 55 of the Directive 2012/44/EU, legal provisions of the Republic of Lithuania set out that the Communications Regulatory Authority is designated as a regulatory body for handling disputes of rail market shares and making appropriate decisions.

Decisions on any complaints are taken with reference to Rules on investigation of the complaints of railway undertakings (carriers), approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, 19 May 2010, No 553.

A decision must be taken within a maximum period of 42 days from receipt of all necessary information for complaint investigation. Made decisions can be reviewed following national legal provisions. 

Investigation of Railway Passengers Complaints

Protection of passengers’ rights referred to in Regulation (EC) No. 1371/2007 is ensured by the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority, which deals with passengers' complaints about infringements of their rights.

Last updated: 18-11-2023